The world of cats is humorously depicted in this well-known collection of illustrations. World renowned cartoonist Ronald Searle has satirically but lovingly portrayed his feline friends in outlandish--almost human--entanglements. A remarkably hairy cat facing a dandruff problem, a vanity-stricken balding cat wearing an unsuitable wig, and a cat of a thousand disguises concealing itself as a rug are just some of the witty full-color illustrations that everyone, but cat lovers in particular, will find irresistible.
Product details
- Paperback | 48 pages
- 190.5 x 241.3 x 12.7mm | 317.51g
- 28 Oct 2005
- Profile Books Ltd
- Souvenir Press Ltd
- United Kingdom
- English
- Main
- 23 full colour illustrations
- 0285637312
- 9780285637313
- 365,101
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